Cross-View Road Layout Estimation (2022)
A Dual-Cycled Cross-View Transformer Network for Unified Road Layout Estimation and 3D Object Detection in the Bird’s-Eye-View, Curie Kim, and Ue-Hwan Kim
The 20th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (2023 UR).
Network Architecture
The proposed dual-cycled cross-view transformer (DCT) architecture. The DCT network requires both the top-view layout and the front-view
images for training; these two inputs get transformed to another feature representation for the dual cycle loss. When deployed, the DCT network receives just a front-view image to predict the road layout and detect objects.
The bird’s-eye-view (BEV) representation allows robust learning of multiple tasks for autonomous driving including road layout estimation and 3D object detection. However, contemporary methods for unified road layout estimation and 3D object detection rarely handle the class imbalance of the training dataset and multi-class learning to reduce the total number of networks required. To overcome these limitations, we propose a unified model for road layout estimation and 3D object detection inspired by the transformer architecture and the CycleGAN learning framework. The proposed model deals with the performance degradation due to the class imbalance of the dataset utilizing the focal loss and the proposed dual cycle loss. Moreover, we set up extensive learning scenarios to study the effect of multi-class learning for road layout estimation in various situations. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed model and the learning scheme, we conduct a thorough ablation study and a comparative study. The experiment results attest the effectiveness of our model; we achieve state-of-the-art performance in both the road layout estimation and 3D object detection tasks.
- Single class learning
Dataset | Segmentation Objects | mIOU(%) | mAP(%) |
KITTI 3D Object | Vehicle | 39.44 | 58.89 |
KITTI Odometry | Road | 77.15 | 88.28 |
KITTI Raw | Road | 65.86 | 86.56 |
Argoverse Tracking | Vehicle | 48.04 | 68.96 |
Argoverse Tracking | Road | 76.71 | 88.87 |
- Multi class learning
Dataset | Segmentation Objects | mIOU(%) | mAP(%) |
Argoverse Tracking | Vehicle | 31.75 | 46.20 |
Argoverse Tracking | Road | 74.73 | 86.76 |
Result Images
- Single class learning
- Multi class learning